Some 640,000 Tons Of Fishing Gear Is Lost Or Abandoned Annually In Seas And Oceans
Lead Fishing Weights are poisonous to wildlife. Several international studies had indicated that some 640,000 tons of fishing gear is lost or abandoned annually in the ocean. This fishing weights slowly leach out lead into the seawater affecting fish and wildlife over time, harming them and in some cases, lead poisoning causing death. Under the right waters conditions, such as acidic water, the lead particles will erode and dissolve into the water. These lead particles get consumed by small organisms in the water, fish, and other wildlife that drink the water like birds. Lead has been proven to be toxic when ingested by humans, water fowl and other aquatic animals. Lead has adverse effects on the nervous and reproductive systems of animals. Long exposure to these weights can cause a reduction to the fish and wildlife population and also pose a risk to those that eat fish caught in these poisoned ecosystems. Lead is not required for human health and can be hazardous when taken into the body by swallowing or breathing in lead or materials contaminated with lead. Once in the body, lead circulates in the blood and can be stored in the bones. Credit: DW