"Clean the World" Recyclers Collect Unwanted Soap From Hotels For The Needy
Clean The World, a nonprofit founded in 2009 that recycles bar soap from over 8,000 hospitality partners, including Marriott International, for those in need. By collecting, melting, reforming and packaging partially used soap left behind by hotel guests, the nonprofit has distributed nearly 70 million bars ofsoap in more than 120 countries, including Romania, where many Ukrainian refugees have arrived. Clean the World currently focuses on repurposing bar soap in seven warehouses worldwide. Companies can enroll in the program online and receive boxes to collect discarded products at their properties. Full boxes are shipped to the nonprofit’s warehouses. Around the world, five million hotel soaps make their way to landfills every single day. UNICEF estimates that 1.4 million children a year die from diseases such as pneumonia and cholera, easily preventable with better hygiene. “Soap and health and hygiene have a huge impact in our world,” said founder Shawn Seipler. Credit: Clean The World