31.07.19 According to a new UN climate report, we only have 30 years left to live.
if we don’t change how we behave, climate change will lead to the extinction of our species before 2050. Since the Paris Agreement on climate in 2016, the main objective concerning the rise of temperature is to stay lower than 2°C. One ambition that needs urgently concrete actions. However, on October 8th 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2001) published a worrying report simulating the consequences of the temperature rise of 1,5°C. However, the conclusion of the IPCC is this time qualified as optimistic by BNCCR’s report, which declared that “even if the warming stop at 2°C, more than one billion people will be obliged to move and, in the most extreme forecast, the magnitude of the destruction seems to exceed our capacities of simulation, with a high probability of the end of the Human civilisation.” One billion people would be forced to leave unbearable conditions and two billions other would be confronted to a water shortage. If action is not taken soon to offset global warming by 2 degrees Celsius, “planetary and human systems [wiil reach] a ‘point of no return’ by mid-century, in which the prospect of a largely uninhabitable Earth leads to the breakdown of nations and the international order.” Credit: CC