The seas, which hold some 332,519,000 cubic miles of water, are warming, rising, acidifying, and losing oxygen. And a new comprehensive U.N. climate special report, released Wednesday, presents an encyclopedic review of how Earth's oceans and ice sheets have been altered as the world relentlessly warms. Today's disrupted seas, though, are just the inception of the ocean's transition. That's because the oceans are the true keeper of climate change: Most of the heat humanity traps on the planet gets soaked up by the ocean. And modern civilization won't stop saturating the atmosphere with heat-trapping carbon dioxide anytime soon. "Global warming is really ocean warming,", The consequences of a warming ocean, though, will be many. Climate change will affect water temperature (which has dramatic consequences for marine life), the ability of nutrients to disperse around the ocean, acidity in the oceans (as the oceans absorb CO2 from the air), and oxygen levels in the water — which sea creatures require for respiration. Credit: THE YEARS PROJECT
1. Sea level rise will probably be worse than you imagine 2. The ocean is supercharging storms 3. The planet's water is changing 4. The Arctic we once knew is gone